Sunday, April 12, 2009

its sunday

before I start my blog about Mikey I have to say I'm so happy for my friend Jeri aka yukylungs she got her new lungs and liver just the other day and is already up. Doug is doing a great job keeping everyone updated on how shes doing. its so great to see how well she is now.

Now for Mikey. he is doing great PFTs are 101%, he gained 3 pounds and grew an inch. his blood sugars are great never higher then 150 and never lower then 88. on wednesday he is having surgery again for the lipomas spl? im hoping he is the second or third to go in for surgery, the doc will not have him be first only cause he would rather him have all treatmetns done and lungs feeling great. i can understand why. its gonna be same day surgery, again at schneider childrens hospital .. the doc counted 7 that has to be removed but at clinic his doc found another 5 more on hisback, so its gonna be 3 on his arm 2 on the rib cage and 2 on his leg and now the 5 on his back. there really is no understanding why he is getting these not one person in my family or the husbands family who have had them so i cant say why he gets them. he had a few removed last june, im hoping and praying this is the last time..